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Seattle西雅图 Tacoma塔科马

时间:2016-07-10 14:09来源:未知 点击:

太平洋群港 Suva斐济群岛,萨尔 Lantoka劳托卡 东南亚 泰国:Bangkok Singapore 马来西亚:Penang 槟城 sibu 泗务 Port kelang巴生 印尼:Semarang三宝垄 Jakarta雅加达 Surabaya泗水 Belawan勿拉湾 菲律宾:Cebu 泗雾 manaila(南/北)马尼拉 越南:Haiphone HO Chi Ming City 日本 Osaka大阪 Kobe神户 Tokyo东京 Yokohama横滨 Nagoya名古屋 Moji门司 Niigata新泻Imari伊万里 Fukuyama福山 Hakata伯方 韩国 Busan釜山 Inchon仁川 台湾 Kaohsiung高雄 Keelung基隆 Tai chung台中 美西 加利福尼亚州:Los Angeles洛杉矶 Long Beach长滩 Oakland奥克兰 San Francisco圣佛兰西斯科(三潘市) 华盛顿州 :Seattle西雅图 Tacoma塔科马 俄勒冈州 :Portland波特兰Customers can select different transportation processes according to individual needs, ensuring that goods reach their destination in the most cost-effective transport way. The staff of Mido Logistics has received strict training, so they can carefully follow up every aspect of the goods during transport, and ensure the safe and timely delivery of goods, making customers worry-free. With years of sound operational principles and good business reputation, Mido Logistics works closely with major shipping lines and airlines in a good relationship and at the same time, gets their support, providing competitive rates and services so that customers can benefit from the results of our efforts over the years. Help customers enhance their competitiveness and we are sure of success during transport. Mido's global freight network, not only can effectively dispose the transport of goods, but also follow up and coordinate the shipment of goods for customers, assist customers to keep pace with the times, and completely grasp the latest shipment information.
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