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时间:2020-09-22 08:02来源:未知 点击:

Suixin owns dozens of small, medium and large trucks (1.5 tons, 3 tons, 5 tons, 8 tons, 10 tons, 12 tons, 15 tons, 20 tons, 25 tons), container trailers, customs supervision vehicles, dangerous goods operation trailers, dangerous goods operation vans, flying wing vehicles and other self-owned vehicles.The scope of transportation involves vehicle transportation, distribution and transportation, and return vehicle transportation (returning vehicle transportation) between cities in the Pearl River Delta. The types of dangerous goods transportation are: Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 6, Class 8 and Class 9 dangerous goods. The transportation route is between the cities of the Pearl River Delta and the ports of Guangzhou Huangpu to the cities of the Pearl River Delta. In terms of logistics and warehousing, the company has several large warehouses such as Guangzhou Huangpu Warehouse, Guangzhou Luogang Development Zone Warehouse. Warehouse types are divided into: ordinary warehouses, constant temperature warehouses, bonded warehouses, transit warehouses, etc. 港口代码 港口名称 所在国家 航线 MZANE 安托尼奥埃尼什(ANTONIO ENES) 莫桑比克 东非线 MZCDE 欣代(CHINDE) 莫桑比克 东非线 MZIBO 伊博(IBO) 莫桑比克 东非线 MZINH 伊尼扬巴内(INHAMBANE) 莫桑比克 东非线 MZMOC 莫辛布瓦(MOCIMBOA) 莫桑比克 东非线 MZMOM 莫马(MOMA) 莫桑比克 东非线 MZMOZ 莫桑 比克(MOZAMBIQUE) 莫桑比克 东非线 MZNAC 纳卡拉(NACALA) 莫桑比克 东非线 MZPEM 彭巴(PEMBA) 莫桑比克 东非线 MZQUE 克利马内(QUELIMANE) 莫桑比克 东非线